Is there something in the way you currently manage your money that you’re not entirely comfortable with and feel you should be doing something more or just something different?
But in searching for ideas and solutions are you confused by the myriad of options and choice and need guidance about what you should do?
Well if so read on as I created the Six Stages of Wealth Creation to help you to self-diagnose your financial situation. And having done so to then identify what is the right action for you to do right now based on your personal situation and goals.
As a result you will get clarity from the fog of options plus build confidence that the next action you are taking is the right one right now.
With greater clarity and confidence you can save yourself from unnecessary stress and fumbling around and gain more time and energy for actually enjoying the fruits of your money.
Take a copy to remind you
Download a summary table of The Six Stages of Wealth Creation
What to do next
Your highest priority next action is determined by the stage you are currently in.
Stages 1 and 2
Explore cash flow coaching to get you out of debt fast and consistently saving money for what you really want in life.
Stage 3
Speak to a financial planner to identify the gaps you have in your financial foundations and what action you can take to plug them. The initial meeting is often free.
Stages 4 and above
Congratulations! You are in the very small minority of adults with comprehensive plans in place to have enough money for all of your important lifestyle goals.