Hi and thanks for your interest in this series. All the videos are on this page so you can binge away – it’ll take about 12 minutes.
(To watch with captions press the CC button in the video controls.)
1. How to Save More and Not Miss Out
Even though our heads know we need to save more often our hearts resist because we don’t want to cut and miss out on the things that come to mind.
I believe we probably shouldn’t cut the first things that come to mind.
Try this instead.
2. 3 Key Elements of a Great Money System
Since we’re not taught about money we don’t really know how to decide what’s affordable to spend so we use a proxy of the amount in our bank account, or even available credit.
That leads to overspending and getting caught out when bills arrive, or having direct debits declined.
To make good day-to-day money decisions we need a system with these three key elements.
3. How to Minimise Unforeseen Expenses
Have you ever been diligently saving only to have unforeseen expenses crop up that decimate your savings or worse cause you to go into debt?
This is a common frustration, so you’re not alone.
There are two common causes for this.
Discover how to build your money plan to minimise the chance of blowing your budget on unforeseen expenses.
4. How to Identify Savings
Realising that we need to cut our spending to save more can be quite confronting.
So, I recommend that we do it methodically starting with the easy wins first and then moving to the more difficult ones.
Ask yourself the two questions revealed in the video to identify what to cut so you can still enjoy life.
5. How to Make Saving Feel Good
Advertisers are experts at using our emotions to get us in habit of spending money on things we don’t need.
Since spending feels good, we need to hack our brains to make saving feel good too, and thereby reinforce healthy habits.
Discover four techniques to make saving feel good.
6. How to Get More Life out of Your Money
To move well beyond surviving to truly flourishing the key is to increase your quality of life by getting the most buzz for your buck.
I think of this as increasing the nutritional content of your spending by spending in ways that better nourish your soul.
Discover where the latest research suggests you spend your money to boost your happiness without earning more.
Save more, faster with money coaching!
Have you been trying to be better with money, but not getting the results you want fast enough?
Or perhaps have you been thrust into a new financial situation and need to rapidly adapt so you stay afloat?
The personalised input of a coach will help you fast track your progress by:
- Recommending the right sequence of actions for you to achieve your goals
- Advising you how to customise a money system to your situation
- Providing accountability to keep you on track while you build new healthier habits
To learn more about my coaching options and explore if they are right for you book a complimentary 30-minute introductory coaching conversation.