Employee financial stress is a hidden safety hazard in workplaces!
Financial stress can affect everyone, regardless of their level of income because it’s about how you spend and save your money.
In fact, financial stress is the most prevalent form of stress! 1Australian Psychological Society Stress and wellbeing in Australia, survey 2015
You may not realise financial wellbeing is a problem for your team (and friends) because unlike physical ill health the symptoms are hidden. And just like mental ill health, money has long been a taboo topic and stigmatised.
Ripple effect on productivity and safety

As you know, stress is distracting and exhausting. It lowers our productivity and increases our chance of unsafe behaviour.
Additionally, our mental health is intrinsically linked to our financial health.
So, ensure your employee wellbeing program includes financial wellbeing.
In this guide discover where to focus your employee financial wellbeing initiative to prevent harm and improve productivity.

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