Worried about your income dropping due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on your job, business or industry?
One piece of advice I’ve heard from resilience specialists is to focus on what we can control.
I offer you the following 7 steps to help you feel more confident you are controlling the parts of your financial situation you can control.
Please share with anyone you know who is or may be affected, or who is stressed about money at this time.
My best wishes to you for calm confidence at this time.
Use the links below to jump to detailed advice on each of the steps.
- Restrict access
- Separately cover commitments
- Stockpile savings
- Compartmentalise impulses
- Remove temptation
- Trim the excess
- Track progress
- Summary of all 7 steps
Ask Matt
E-mail me, message via Messenger or call/text on 0400 225 955.
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